With Universal Analytics nearing its end, GA4 is here to stay. While many of us still feel a bit uncertain about the new metrics and features, it’s not something to fear.

Luke Guy is delivering an educational workshop titled: GA4: why it’s here, what you need to know, and why you shouldn’t be scared – helping us all to feel more confident with our analytical tracking.

Tickets are based on a recommended donation of £5.

Here are the important bits…

👉This workshop is a paid ticketed event – pay what you like, with a suggested cost of £5.

👉The panel will be starting by 6:30pm at the latest, so please ensure you’ve joined us before then.

There are a limited number of tickets available (30), so please only sign-up for the event if you intend to come (or let us know if your plans change so we can give your space to someone else!).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – the best place to find us is the Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network LinkedIn Group.


What 👉 Workshop with networking opportunity

Date 👉 Wednesday 22nd March

Time 👉 6pm – 8pm

Refund policy

No refunds will be available for this event, but can be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Date 👉 Wednesday 22nd March

Time 👉 6pm – 8pm


This event will be on the first floor of The Forum, in a space called The View. You can find it just next to Pizza Express. The Forum carpark is the closest for those needing to drive and there is lift access from car to the event space. Find more here: https://theforumnorwich.co.uk/visit-us/plan-your-visit/car-park