Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network was featured in the Eastern Daily Press on Wednesday 4th May. Read the full article here. Below is the full scoop from our perspective.

“This job found me!” Proof that networking pays off.

Avid networker thanks local networking community for helping her find a new role.


Since its inception in September 2021, Ewa Orczykowska has attended every single monthly event that has been held by Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network.

An avid networker, Ewa is always keen to meet new people and share her passion for marketing – and has met over 100 new people at the Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network events so far.

Ewa claims to have found Marketing later in life than she would have liked and has always set her sights on getting a job in a marketing agency. 

Now, thanks to Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network, that dream has become a reality.

Orczykowska, then Marketing Executive at Liftshare Group, has since accepted her dream position as a Project Manager at The MISSION Group and thanks the networking community for facilitating the opportunity. Ewa said:


“This job found me (yep!) thanks to one of the Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network members Shana Begum and although we still haven’t met in real life (you know, Covid and stuff) – we’re virtual friends for sure!

Can’t wait to get stuck into all sorts of new tasks and continue to grow my passion for digital marketing, neuroscience, user experience, design and creativity in general.”