Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network was featured in the Eastern Daily Press on Wednesday 9th February. Read the full article here. Below is the full scoop from our perspective.

New Networking Community Creating Opportunities

Norfolk women progressing in the marketing industry thanks to the power of networking.


In October 2021, Zana Yassin, 32, was introduced to an exciting new job opportunity in London via a chance meeting at an event thrown by the Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network.

Stepping out of her comfort zone to attend the in-person networking event, Zana found herself in a room with 50 likeminded people from her industry – one of whom recommended she look into a job opening in London, after learning about Zana’s experience

Yassin, then Marketing Manager at The Wensum Trust, has since accepted her dream position at a London Marketing agency and thanks the networking community for facilitating the opportunity. Zana, reflected:


“I thought I was just going to turn up for a drink and a chat. I definitely wasn’t expecting the network to have such a huge and sudden impact on my life. It just goes to show the power of networking and the importance of relationships. The pandemic has made meeting new people quite difficult, so I’m really pleased to see the NWM network thriving in spite of that.”


Having worked for The Wensum Trust for 5 years, Yassin is committed to helping the team find her replacement. Now, completely convinced by the power of networking, The Wensum Trust is sponsoring the next Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network event in February 2022, in the hopes of getting in front of some budding marketing talent in the county.

The Wensum Trust is a multi-academy education trust, based in Hellesdon (Norwich), with 11 schools arranged into three geographical hubs across Norfolk. With a growing reputation for their work in supporting mental-health and fostering positive relationships amongst children and adults, The Wensum Trust is keen to find the right person to promote their unique vision.

“The team have managed to create the perfect environment. Everyone’s friendly, the talks are inspiring and the conversation is always interesting. I would encourage everyone to attend – unless, of course, you’re not interested in marketing or you identify as a man!” – Zana.