October 2023, the Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network met at Chambers Cocktails to hear Georgia Murawa share her knowledge on marketing strategy and how to implement one effectively with your clients (or internal stakeholders).

We’re quickly approaching the new year and we all know how this time can sweep us up in a whirlwind of activity.  It’s during this time of year, as we approach the next, where marketing strategies are likely being reviewed, in line with renewed budgets. But how do you write a successful marketing strategy?

The Curse of Over-Complication

Anyone in marketing knows that this industry loves an acronym and a new buzzword, so it’s easy to get lost in the jargon jungle. Don’t get bogged down by the latest trends and buzz, stick to what works for you and your clients. After all, simplicity is often the key to success.

Meeting your clients is exciting, no doubt, but what’s more important is understanding their goals. Do they want to expand their email database? Do they want to raise their brand awareness? Or, is it all about sales? It’s crucial to align your strategy with their objectives for the best results.

The Power of Simplicity

Collaboration and teamwork are the driving forces behind any successful marketing endeavour. If you keep your marketing strategy simple, it is easier to effectively communicate it to both internal stakeholders and your clients. 

Remember, your clients will appreciate the ease and clarity you bring to the table and if they understand what you’re doing they will be better equipped to provide input and feedback on your strategy and how it aligns with the wider business. 

Know Your Audience

Personalisation is the heart of effective communication. You can only achieve effective personalisation if you know your audience. Identify their pain points, understand how these align with your goals and build messaging that joins them up.

Your audience may not just be who you are marketing to, it may be your clients or internal stakeholders. Knowing how they think and what they want will strengthen your bond and communication with them, especially during the bustling holiday season when everyone is so busy, knowing how to get through to them is a valuable asset.

One common misconception is that simplicity means ‘dumbing it down’. It doesn’t. It means conveying your ideas and message in a way that everyone can understand. 

Storytelling: The Secret Sauce

Humans are wired to connect through stories, so use this to your advantage. Let your marketing strategy tell a compelling tale. Share the journey of companies, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. A good story can make even the most complex strategy engaging and relatable.

Collaboration and Communication

Each client is unique, and your approach should be too. If a client prefers a more complex strategy, don’t shy away from it. If they want to know more about a topic, offer them the necessary training and guidance to understand the process better. After all, keeping them updated with the latest social algorithms, Google updates and overall marketing updates can be a valuable asset.

A marketing strategy should be a team effort. Communication is key, both internally and with your clients. Involve them in the process, they might present ideas that you can riff off and present them back as part of the marketing strategy. Make them feel heard and valued. Remember, collaboration breeds success.

Embrace Flexibility

While structure is essential, flexibility is equally vital. Learn to adapt and adjust your strategies to fit the ever-changing world of marketing. It’s okay to pivot and readjust as you go along.

Without flexibility you won’t be able to test and learn from your campaigns, optimising your strategies based on what’s worked and what’s not in the past.

Remember, it’s absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Marketing is a dynamic field, and there’s always room to learn and grow. So, take a deep breath, simplify where you can, and enjoy the ride!