Networking events are exciting for some, nerve-wracking for others, and intimidating for most. It doesn’t matter who you are, walking into a room full of people that you don’t really know can be incredibly daunting.

Can be… they definitely don’t have to be and, at Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network, we’re striving to create a welcoming community that makes these events enjoyable.

So, how can you get the most out of a networking event…

1. Be open-minded

Whether you believe in manifesting or not, if you go into anything with a negative mindset, you’re limiting yourself. You could meet your new best friend at a networking event, you could score a new job, but, at the very least, you will meet some new people and make connections. Try to be open to this idea.

 2. Approach someone new

Having friends or colleagues with you at a networking event can be great for boosting your confidence. However, as Jocko Willink said: “There is no growth in the comfort zone.”

Set yourself a challenge of speaking to 3 people you don’t know. You won’t regret it!

3. Ask open-ended questions  

It’s a good idea to think of a few questions you can ask someone to get to know them better. There will hopefully be several commonalities between everyone at NWM Network events, such as a connection to Norfolk and a link with marketing, so why not start there!

4. Look out for one another

If you spot someone sat alone or looking at their phone in the corner, try to approach them or include them in your conversation. We all know what it feels like to be left out and it’s not fun; so, look out for one another and make everyone feel welcome.

5. Work the room

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with meeting someone, hitting it off, and wanting to spend the whole event getting to know each other. If that happens, enjoy it! However, make sure you’re giving yourself an opportunity to meet others if you want to.

Everyone will approach networking events in different ways – there isn’t a right and a wrong. As long as you walk into every room with an open mind and a smile, you’ll do great. Remember, you can always find the event organisers, explain to them that you don’t know anyone, and ask for an introduction – Norfolk Women’s Marketing Network events are a safe space to do this and meet new people.