In a world inundated with marketing messages, have you ever felt like you were on the outside looking in? I certainly have. As a mother and a consumer, I found myself constantly overlooked by the natural parenting community’s marketing efforts. Nothing seemed to speak to me or reflect my experiences. It was a void that begged to be filled.

My journey into the realm of equity, diversity, and inclusion formally began when I decided to take matters into my own hands. Joining a small business, I was determined to infuse inclusivity into our marketing strategies. However, it didn’t take long for me to realise that simply fixing outward communication wasn’t enough. True change had to start from within.

Being constantly relegated to the role of the ‘other’ in various spaces, I understood the importance of fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Thus, I shifted my focus inward, advocating for systemic changes that would accommodate diverse voices and perspectives. It was a personal journey as much as it was a professional one, driven by a desire to create environments where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

My experiences laid the groundwork for the birth of my consultancy, SRC CIC. I recognised the need for smaller brands to prioritise inclusion and align it ethically with their business strategies. It wasn’t just about ticking boxes or appeasing a trend; it was about building authentic connections and fostering genuine belonging.

Through my consultancy, I’ve had the privilege of guiding brands in embedding inclusion into their DNA. From crafting inclusive hiring practices to developing diverse leadership pipelines, every step has been a testament to the power of intentional action. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Now, as I reflect on my journey, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in how far we’ve come. It didn’t go unnoticed by NWMN and the people that I have empowered, engaged, and educated, as this landed me the prestige of being the first winner of The Star Award at the NWMN Awards, 2023.

But there’s still work to be done. Inclusion isn’t a destination; it’s a continuous journey of growth and evolution. And it requires all of us—marketers, business owners, consumers—to play our part.

So, to my fellow marketers, I urge you: don’t shy away from the unknown. Embrace the discomfort of change and challenge the status quo. Dare to create something that doesn’t exist yet. Because in that space of innovation lies the potential for transformation.

Let’s take action on inclusion, not just in our messaging but in every aspect of our work. Let’s champion diversity, equity, and inclusion not as mere buzzwords but as guiding principles that shape our decisions and define our impact. Together, let’s build a future where everyone feels like they belong.

Are you ready to join the movement?

Let’s make inclusion the new normal.