Diversity in marketing may not always be associated with glamour, but its importance cannot be overstated. With five years of experience in the dynamic field of marketing, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power that diversity brings to the table. In this blog, we will explore why diversity in marketing is not just a trend but a necessity, reflecting on its impact both internally within organisations and externally in consumer perceptions.

The Power of Diversity within Organisations

Marketers play a pivotal role in shaping a brand’s identity, and determining its success or failure. The journey towards embracing diversity should commence within the walls of your office. Ask yourself: how diverse is your team? What roles do individuals from different backgrounds and races occupy? Through numerous interviews across various industries, it became evident to me that organisations thriving in their sectors owe much of their success to the diversity and inclusivity of their teams.

A diverse team not only enhances creativity but also creates a sense of safety and representation for individuals from various backgrounds. People of colour bring unique perspectives that resonate with a broader audience, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and understood.

Transparency in Brand Culture

Diversity is not just a checkbox; it reflects the honesty and transparency of your workplace culture. In an era where information is readily available, consumers scrutinise brands for their commitment to diversity. The absence of diverse representation in advertising or in-person interactions can send a message about the foundational values of a company. The success of the British Army’s ‘This is Belonging 2018’ campaign, which spotlighted diversity and inclusion, stands as a testament to the positive impact of embracing diversity in marketing.

Image credits: James Yate. https://www.jamesedyates.co.uk/home/army

Consumer Demand for Diversity

Consumers today demand more than token gestures; they expect genuine commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mistakes, as seen with Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner advert, can lead to significant financial losses and damage to a brand’s reputation. As a marketer, I firmly believe that it is our responsibility to create and promote messaging that resonates with people of all backgrounds, ensuring inclusivity across race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, religion, ability, and sexual orientation.

Impact on Brand Success

Global beauty brands have experienced both overnight success and downfall based on their diversity decisions in marketing strategies. According to Savanta’s 2023 DEI report, 31% of US shoppers would not buy from a brand that is not committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This statistic emphasises the direct correlation between diversity initiatives and consumer loyalty.

Implementing Diversity in Marketing Strategy

To foster diversity in marketing, organisations must start from within their teams. Assess the composition of your marketing team and take proactive steps to bridge any diversity gaps. Engage freelancers or contract workers to bring fresh perspectives to the table. Del Johnson’s insight from a Google research report highlights the importance of cultural proximity between your team and the market. Culturally competent individuals can challenge biases and unlock true creative expression, fostering an organisation capable of self-reflection.


As a proud member of the BAME community, I find fulfilment in witnessing diversity at every level of leadership. I would say, see this gap as an opportunity, not a challenge. Leadership diversity goes beyond representation; it is associated with holistic growth, social impact, and a more satisfied workforce. To create lasting impact, companies must move beyond increasing diverse representation and integrate diverse marketing strategies into a purpose-driven approach. By doing so, we broaden our positive impact across stakeholders, employees, the external community, and the environment, setting the stage for a more inclusive and successful future in marketing.