2022 is a blank canvas for us. 12 months, 12 events to plan, endless possibilities.

While we don’t want to give away all of our surprises, we think accountability is important, especially when you’re striving to be a consistent community for people. So, we’re setting some good, old fashioned New Year’s resolutions for the world to see (and hold us to!).


In 2022, we’re aiming to:

1. Hold an event every month for the entire year to ensure we’re establishing a consistent space for our community.


2. Create equal opportunities for learning and sharing.


3. Champion a variety of voices, making sure we’re passing the microphone.


4. Work with Norfolk’s schools and universities to help young marketeers to get connected.


5. Protect our space by ensuring it’s one of kindness and respect for all who attend.


Let’s see what the new year has in store – I, for one, cannot wait!


 Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022.

